Tasks are multi-step workflows that agents can execute. They can include prompts, tool calls, conditional logic, and more.

Creating Tasks

Tasks can be created using either YAML or JavaScript objects:

// Using a JavaScript object
const task = await client.tasks.create(agentId, {
  name: 'Customer Support Task',
  description: 'Handle customer support requests',
  main: [
      prompt: [
          role: 'system',
          content: 'You are a helpful customer support agent.'
          role: 'user',
          content: '{{_.user_query}}'
      tool: 'web_search',
      arguments: {
        query: '{{_.user_query}}'

// Using YAML
const taskYaml = `
name: Customer Support Task
description: Handle customer support requests
  - prompt:
      - role: system
        content: You are a helpful customer support agent.
      - role: user
        content: "{{_.user_query}}"
  - tool: web_search
      query: "{{_.user_query}}"

const task = await client.tasks.create(agentId, yaml.parse(taskYaml));

Task Steps

Tasks can include various types of steps:

const task = await client.tasks.create(agentId, {
  name: 'Complex Task',
  description: 'A task with multiple step types',
  main: [
    // Prompt step
      prompt: 'Analyze the following data: {{_.data}}'

    // Tool call step
      tool: 'web_search',
      arguments: {
        query: '{{_.search_query}}'

    // Evaluate step
      evaluate: {
        average_score: 'sum(_.scores) / len(_.scores)'

    // Conditional step
      if: '_.score > 0.8',
      then: [
        { log: 'High score achieved' }
      else: [
        { error: 'Score too low' }

    // Iteration step
      foreach: {
        in: '_.items',
        do: [
          { log: 'Processing item {{_}}' }

    // Parallel execution
      parallel: [
          tool: 'web_search',
          arguments: { query: 'query1' }
          tool: 'web_search',
          arguments: { query: 'query2' }

Executing Tasks

// Execute a task
const execution = await client.executions.create(taskId, {
  input: {
    user_query: 'How do I reset my password?'

// Get execution status
const status = await client.executions.get(execution.id);

// Wait for execution to complete
while (status.status !== 'succeeded' && status.status !== 'failed') {
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  const updatedStatus = await client.executions.get(execution.id);
  console.log('Execution status:', updatedStatus.status);

Managing Tasks

// Get a specific task
const task = await client.tasks.get(taskId);

// List all tasks
const tasks = await client.tasks.list({
  limit: 10,
  offset: 0

// Update a task
const updatedTask = await client.tasks.update(taskId, {
  description: 'Updated task description'

// Delete a task
await client.tasks.delete(taskId);

Error Handling

try {
  const execution = await client.executions.create(taskId, {
    input: {
      user_query: 'How do I reset my password?'
} catch (error) {
  if (error.name === 'ValidationError') {
    console.error('Invalid task configuration:', error.message);
  } else if (error.name === 'ExecutionError') {
    console.error('Execution failed:', error.message);
  } else {
    console.error('Unexpected error:', error);

Next Steps