Sessions in Julep enable persistent, stateful interactions between users and agents. They maintain context across multiple exchanges and can be used to build conversational interfaces.

Creating Sessions

// Create a new session
const session = await client.sessions.create({
  agent_id: agentId,
  user_id: userId, // Optional
  metadata: {
    channel: 'web',
    language: 'english'
  context_overflow: 'adaptive' // or 'truncate' or 'summarize'

Session Chat

// Send a message and get a response
const response = await, {
  messages: [
      role: 'user',
      content: 'Hello! Can you help me with my order?'

// Continue the conversation in the same session
const followUp = await, {
  messages: [
      role: 'user',
      content: 'I need to change my shipping address.'

Managing Context

Sessions automatically maintain context, but you can also manage it manually:

// Add context to the session
await client.sessions.update(sessionId, {
  metadata: {
    order_id: '12345',
    customer_tier: 'premium'

// Get session history
const history = await client.sessions.history(sessionId, {
  limit: 10,
  offset: 0

Session Tools

Tools can be added specifically for a session:

// Add a session-specific tool
await, {
  name: 'check_order_status',
  description: 'Check the status of an order',
  type: 'function',
  function: {
    parameters: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        order_id: {
          type: 'string',
          description: 'The order ID to check'
      required: ['order_id']

Session Documents

Add relevant documents to the session for context:

// Add a document to the session
const document = await, {
  title: 'Order Details',
  content: 'Order #12345: 2 items, shipping to...',
  metadata: {
    order_id: '12345',
    type: 'order_details'

// Search session documents
const docs = await, {
  query: 'shipping policy',
  metadata: {
    type: 'policy'

Managing Sessions

// Get a specific session
const session = await client.sessions.get(sessionId);

// List all sessions
const sessions = await client.sessions.list({
  limit: 10,
  offset: 0,
  agent_id: agentId // Optional filter

// Update a session
const updatedSession = await client.sessions.update(sessionId, {
  metadata: {
    status: 'resolved'

// Delete a session
await client.sessions.delete(sessionId);

Error Handling

try {
  const response = await, {
    messages: [
        role: 'user',
        content: 'Hello!'
} catch (error) {
  if ( === 'SessionError') {
    console.error('Session error:', error.message);
  } else if ( === 'ApiError') {
    console.error('API error:', error.message, error.status);
  } else {
    console.error('Unexpected error:', error);

Context Overflow Strategies

Julep provides different strategies for handling context overflow:

// Adaptive strategy (default)
const adaptiveSession = await client.sessions.create({
  agent_id: agentId,
  context_overflow: 'adaptive'

// Truncate strategy
const truncateSession = await client.sessions.create({
  agent_id: agentId,
  context_overflow: 'truncate'

// Summarize strategy
const summarizeSession = await client.sessions.create({
  agent_id: agentId,
  context_overflow: 'summarize'

Next Steps